Below are many songs that we play often, and that have become part of our standard repertoire.
We have audio samples for all songs that have a
icon. Click on those titles to hear the audio playback, then click again to pause the playback.
- Anniversary Song (aka Waves of the Danube)
- Bei Mir Bis Du Schon
- Dark Eyes
- Douce Ambiance
- Hungaria
- Latcho Drom
- Minor Swing
- Noto Swing
- Seul a Paris
- Swing Gitane
- Artillerie Lourde
- Blue Drag
- Blue Monk
- Blues Clair
- Blues For Barney
- Blues for Ike
- Minor Blues
- September Song
- Swing 48
- Un Certain Je Ne Sais Quoi
- Viper's Dream
- Isn't She Lovely
- Tainted Love